Gift Memberships and Historic Cinema Gift Packs

Give the gift of film to all the cinephiles in your life (including yourself!) with Milwaukee Film's new cinema gift packs!





You will not need the recipient's information to buy them a gift Membership. When you buy the Membership you will receive an email that can be forwarded to your Giftee so they can initiate the Membership themselves!

Festival Fan

Our entry level membership. Benefits and perks might include: discounts on Oriental Theatre tickets and concessions, early access to discounted Milwaukee Film Festival tickets, monthly Members-only screenings, invitations to special events, and way, way more. Student and Educator discounts are available at this levell! Email for access.

  • Discount on tickets/concessions at the Oriental Theatre (not valid for third-party or special events)
  • Early access and the best discounts on Festival passes and tickets
  • Monthly invitation to our free Members-only screenings (first-come, first-served)
  • Invitation to the Milwaukee Film Festival Members-only super-secret screening
  • 15% off Milwaukee Film Festival merchandise

Film Lover

All the benefits of a Festival Fan plus:

  • Two single-use guest tickets per year for Members-only screenings (Four for duals)
  • Guaranteed seats to our monthly Members-only screenings (with an RSVP prior to deadline)
  • One exclusive MKE Film Member T-shirt (Two for duals)

Movie Star

All the benefits of a Film Lover plus:

  • Four Milwaukee Film Festival vouchers (Eight for duals)
  • Early access to special screening events, as available

Film Director

All the benefits of a Movie Star plus:

  • Six Milwaukee Film Festival vouchers (Twelve for duals)
  • One All-Access festival pass to the forthcoming Milwaukee Film Festival (Two for duals)
  • An invitation to our exclusive Festival Eve film and event
  • Access to reserved seats for monthly Members-only screenings

Movie Mogul

All the benefits of a Film Director plus:

  • An All-Access festival pass to the forthcoming Milwaukee Film Festival (Two for duals)
  • Invitations to exclusive events at the Festival and throughout the year
  • Access to a limited number of reserved seats for monthly Members-only screenings


All the benefits of a Movie Mogul - Dual plus:

  • A total of two passes to the Milwaukee Film Festival
  • Sponsorship of one film at the Milwaukee Film Festival
  • Invitation to the annual tour of the Oriental Theatre
  • On-screen recognition at the Oriental Theatre year-round


All the benefits of an Icon plus:

  • A total of two passes to the Milwaukee Film Festival
  • Available when the Milwaukee Film Festival is held in person:
    • Unlimited admission to all festival screenings and parties with special reserved seating
  • Sponsorship of one film at the Milwaukee Film Festival
  • Invitation to the annual tour of the Oriental Theatre
  • On-screen recognition at the Oriental Theatre year-round
  • Free popcorn anytime the Oriental Theatre is open!

Cooley High

The Cooley High level is named after the film that brought honest depictions to the big screen in an era of exploitation. We include the following benefits at this level:

  • Two individual tickets to the Cultures & Communities Film Festival (Four of duals)
  • Two individual tickets to the Milwaukee Film Festival (Four for duals)
  • A subscription to the Black Lens Council newsletter
  • Recognition as a “Cooley High” member on our website when joined by March 1st
  • A Black Lens Council member t-shirt (Two for duals)
  • Discounts on ticketed Black Lens festival events
  • An invitation to the monthly free Members-Only Screenings, including the Super Secret screening during the festival.
  • Two single-use guest tickets per year for Members-only screenings (Four for duals)
  • Discounts on films and concessions at the Oriental Theatre year-round
  • Best discounts and early access to festival vouchers & passes
  • 15% off MKE Film Festival merchandise

Mo' Better

The Mo' Better level is named after the Spike Lee joint that found Wesley and Denzel at their absolute best. Included are all benefits of a Cooley High plus:

  • Four tickets to the Cultures & Communities Festival (Six for duals)
  • Four tickets to the Milwaukee Film Festival (Six for duals)
  • Recognition as a member "Mo' Better" on our website when joined by March 1st
  • An invitation to Milwaukee Film Festival Members' preview night
  • Invitation to Black Lens screening committee


If you don’t know Melvin Van Peebles’ seminal work "Sweet Sweetback’s Baadasssss Song," the first thing you should do after you join this level is seek out this film! Included are all the benefits of a Mo' Better plus:

  • A pass to the forthcoming Milwaukee Film Festival (Two for duals)
  • A pass to the forthcoming Cultures & Communities Film Festival (Two for duals)
  • Recognition as a “Baadasssss” member on our website when joined by March 1st
  • Invitation to exclusive festival events
  • Invitations to private screening events (as available)
  • Personalized film recommendations from the Black Lens programming team