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Local filmmakers - get excited! The Milwaukee Filmmaker Alliance (MFA), our beloved industry pillar, is teaming up with Northwestern Mutual to launch the “What is Possible” video program, showcasing work created by local filmmakers as part of their Tech Hub Summit II to take place this fall. Northwestern Mutual is investing in our local filmmaking economy by tapping members of the MFA to develop videos that highlight the Milwaukee area’s growing and vibrant tech industry.


Open to MFA members, four filmmakers will be selected to create one minute videos that highlight technology and how it impacts people’s day to day lives. The videos should be positive and energetic, motivating audiences to take action and become a part of the thriving industry.


“We’re dedicated to supporting the vibrancy and economic growth of our hometown of Milwaukee,” said Karl Gouverneur, vice president of digital workplace, corporate solutions and head of digital innovation, Northwestern Mutual. “Digital is both disrupting and accelerating many industries, including film. We’re partnering with the MFA as part of our commitment to investing in local talent and advancing technology in southeastern Wisconsin. The talent of these filmmakers and the videos they create will demonstrate the growth of our local tech-driven industries and strength of our workforce.” 


All videos will be screened as part of the Tech Hub Summit II on October 31, 2018, with the potential for use beyond the event on social platforms.


Proposals are due on September 21, 2018 and are exclusively open to MFA members. Not a member? Sign up today to receive access to this exclusive opportunity! MFA members - you should already have received information as to how to submit your proposals in the September MFA Newsletter! If you have any questions or concerns, drop us a line! We can't wait to see what work is dreamed up by our incredible MFA member base.



Posted by: Tom Fuchs