Mighty Wurlitzer

The Evening's Film - Safety Last!


The event will culminate with a centenary screening of Harold Lloyd’s 1923 silent comedy Safety Last!, to be projected from a 35mm print courtesy of the Harold Lloyd Estate. Wurlitzer Extraordinaire organist Ron Rhode will perform a live organ score to the film, showcasing the instrument in all its glory.


Organist for the Evening - Ron Rhode

Ron Rhode

Ron Rhode has been a major performer in the theatre pipe organ world for more than four decades.  Since 1974 his concert career has taken him across the US from coast to coast, into Canada, England, and Australia.  Ron is known for his “traditional” theatre organ style, playing music from the golden era of the “Unit Orchestra”, the 1920’s and 1930’s.  

Growing up in Illinois, and moving to Phoenix in 1973, Ron played theatre organ for Organ Stop Pizza in Phoenix and Mesa for 21 years.  He has continued a career in church music, which started at his Illinois home church, Port Byron Methodist Church, and is currently service musician at 1st United Methodist Church in Phoenix.  In his non-musical life, Ron taught 2nd grade and Library Science for Mesa Public Schools, Mesa, AZ, until his retirement after 20 years. Since that time, he had been teaching 5th and 6th grade Class Piano for Arizona School for the Arts, Phoenix, AZ, and has since retired as of May 2019.

More About Ron