A government company town built to house the Hanford workers manufacturing weapons-grade plutonium for the Manhattan Project, Richland, WA is proud of its heritage and of the atomic bomb it helped create. RICHLAND offers a prismatic, placemaking portrait of this community as it moves between archival past and observational present; featuring encounters with a wide range of individuals, the film blooms into an expansive and lyrical meditation on home, safety, whiteness, land, and deep time.
Why this pick?
Like MANZANAR DIVERTED (MFF2021), this doc starts with a fairly simple topic - here, Richland, WA, the government “company town” for the Hanford Nuclear site - and sensitively deepens thinking about that place with interviews and observation allowing a viewer to consider land use, the Manhattan Project, labor, displacement of people to and from a place, etc. A thinker, but worth the challenge!