Grant's Board Pick Fargo
My name is Grant Killoran. I am a volunteer member of the Board of Directors of Milwaukee Film, Inc. In addition to my professional work as a lawyer at the O’Neil, Cannon law firm, I also am an Advisory Committee member and volunteer DJ at WMSE 91.7 FM, the co-sponsor of Milwaukee Film’s Friday Night Freak Show film series.
One of the great things about being a member of the Milwaukee Film Board is that I get to select a movie to be shown by Milwaukee Film - and then invite my friends (and the rest of the community) to enjoy it with me.
My wife, Carrie, and I have selected Fargo, a 1996 black comedy crime film by Joel and Ethan Coen. Fargo stars Frances McDormand (who won an Academy Award for her portrayal of Marge Gunderson in the film), William H. Macy, Steve Buscemi and Peter Stormare, among others. Fargo was nominated for the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival and an Academy Award for Best Picture, and won an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay. The American Film Institute has named Fargo one of America’s 100 greatest films.
Fargo takes place in the Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota area, where I went to college and law school, and where my wife grew up. I have loved the film ever since its release, when I saw it at the Oriental Theater nearly 30 years ago. The story, performances and characters are just great. My favorite actor in the movie is William H. Macy, who plays Jerry Lundergaard. While all of his scenes are fantastic, his scene at the very end of the movie is the absolute best.
Please join Carrie and me at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 13th to watch this showing of Fargo. If you have not seen the film, you should see it with us on February 13th. And if you already have seen it (even multiple times) you should still join us to see it again on February 13th. Nothing says the day before Valentine’s Day like a movie like Fargo. And, the Minnesota accent used (and abused) in the movie always is a lot of fun.
Posted by: Jolee Mallmann